Starring: | | |

Kissing Jessica Stein

Country: united_states

Year: 2002

Running time: 96


Michael says: “Finally managed to catch up with KISSING JESSICA STEIN the other night, and found it to be perfectly charming if a mite predictable (The very first scene involving Jessica and Josh had me correctly predicting the ending.) Tovah Feldshuh was terrific as Jessica’s Mom, and her big emotional scene had me in tears. So perfectly played. Both leads were good and there were some really nice moments.

“The one problem I had with the film, and it was fairly sizable, was the character of Josh. His storyline was completely unnecessary, and pretty poorly executed. The whole idea that fulfillment and happiness can ONLY come by pursuing your art, and that any other alternative, even a successful career, will make you mean, bitter and unhappy, is pretty pretentious in
my opinion.

“Otherwise, a perfectly enjoyable film.” 3 1/2 cats


Scot says: “I really enjoyed this one too. True, it’s no CHASING AMY, but fairly true to most of the characters and situations it set up. Very kind to them all as well.”

“I also had a big problem with Josh’s character. Not that there couldn’t have been a man involved in the mix who was a major character, but Josh simply had no *obstacles* in the film (at least from his perspective). It’s not even clear why he didn’t act on his feelings, except that he was a ‘frustrated artist.’ Without action, there’s no conflict and that pretty much killed his storyline.

“And wouldn’t you like to see a film about an artist who realizes the hours suck, the pay is for crap, and he can find more fulfillment from his job as an accountant? I would.”


Emily says: “I saw KISSING JESSICA STEIN and though ‘entertaining’, I basically thought it was your basic ‘gay movie for heterosexuals’ – not that enlightening or interesting, but not as utterly reprehensible as CHASING AMY. In the case of KISSING, at least the people were pretty and the outfits were great.”


Hilary says: “In reading the posted Chlotrudis reviews for KISSING I found myself in agreement with Emily. Thankfully it wasn’t as horrible as CHASING AMY (sorry, Scot) but it wasn’t too impressive either. Initially I was offended by the ending, but that feeling didn’t last because I felt the film lacked the power to be considered in any serious way beyond a first reaction. The peripheral characters were far more interesting than the heroine, Jessica, who’s acting style evoked Neve Campbell on ‘Party on Five’: constant near-hysteria and squinting in the place of actual emotion which grated on me. I was more interested in Helen’s character, but she wasn’t given any real exploration. Ultimately, yes, at least they had good clothes.”


Laura says:
“Would you shut up? I’m atoning,’ Jessica informs mom (Tovah Feldshuh, HAPPY ACCIDENTS) at synagogue. Jessica’s sandwiched between a mother who’s pointing out eligibles and a grandmother who’s appraising their sex appeal as this delightful romantic comedy begins. Formed from a skit developed on a New York stage, KISSING JESSICA STEIN may garner the type of attention for its costars and authors that Matt Damon and Ben Affleck received a few years ago.” 4 cats

For Laura’s complete review: “




Kissing Jessica Stein

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