Welcome to the newest edition of Chlotrudis Mewsings. The editors and contributors of the Chlotrudis Newsletter have taken the next step in publishing Chlotrudis-related content. In the coming months, you will see news, articles, and interviews that normally would appear in the Mewsings Newsletter, more fully integrated into the website as a whole. In addition, you will see this blog begin to grow. What the new Mewsings blog will provide is a more personal voice for you to learn about the organization. Contributors will post on a variety of topics, all related to film. The list of contributors itself will grow, allowing some of our members from around the country to be more involved. We are very excited about the possibilities.

In the meantime, please endure while we tweak the page, adjusting the format, playing with topics and style until we get the hang of things. And if there’s anything you’d like to hear about on the Mewsings blog; and suggestions you’d like to make, please send them along to mewsings@chlotrudis.org.

Thanks, and check back soon!

Mewsings: The Blog Makes Its Premiere
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