Hey there Everyone!

Chlotrudis has a very special Memorial Day Monday Night movie planned for this week. Those lucky few of you who were able to see Pawel Pawlikowski’s sublime film LAST RESORT won’t want to miss his follow-up, MY SUMMER OF LOVE. Monday night, Pawlokowski, along with the two stars of MY SUMMER OF LOVE, Nathalie Press and Emily Blunt, will be on hand at the Museum of Fine Arts to close out the 21st Annual Boston Gay & Lesbian Film Festival. This special pre-release screening starts at 7:00 p.m., but it’s sure to be pretty full, so I will be getting there pretty early. In fact, depending on my weekend, I may just swing by and pick up tickets in advance. If you let me know that you’re coming beforehand, I might be able to snag you a ticket. I will keep you posted via e-mail. Tickets are $12 a piece, so be prepaqred! At any rate, since it’s Memorial Day weekend, and we won’t be working on Monday, I’m sure we’ll be grabbing a bite to eat beforehand… but it will be early! Watch your e-mail, or give me a call to find out the details.


by Pawel Pawlikowski (UK, 2004, 86 min.).
Pawel Pawlikowski follows his award-winning LAST RESORT with this sublime, intoxicating study of an intense summer friendship. Mona is sixteen and restless. Tamsin is rich, educated, and self absorbed. When the two girls meet, they’re mutually fascinated, and soon they’re revelling in an obsessive and seductive closeness. Frame by frame, the mesmerisingly beautiful composition and cinematography works in perfect tandem with the unfolding drama, giving it a slightly timeless, off-kilter feel. Pawlikowski has claimed he’s interested in creating a mythic British realism. In My Summer of Love, he’s achieved it. ‘Refreshing, original, and not to be missed’ (Harpers & Queen). Description adapted from the London Film Festival. Tickets: $12. The director and stars, Nathalie Press and Emily Blunt, will be present for this special pre-release screening.

What do you do on a rainy Memorial Day weekend? You go see a bunch of movies! For the few of you who haven’t had a chance to see KINGS AND QUEEN at the Brattle Theatre yet, I invite you to join me for the 2:00 p.m. screening. It’s gotten great reviews from Hilary and Chris, as well as good word of mouth from a couple of other members. If you are interested in joining me, drop me an e-mail. There are lots of other terrific indie films available for viewing this weekend. At the Coolidge, check out LADIES IN LAVENDER in honor of the passing of famed producer Ismail Merchant. Why, you ask? What did he have to do with the film? Why nothing, in fact, but it stars a pair of Dames, Maggie Smith and Judy Dench, who both figured prominently in one of Merchant’s most famed films, A ROOM WITH A VIEW. Also at the Coolidge, and expanding to the Kendall and the Harvard Square Theatre is MAD HOT BALLROOM, ballroom dancing’s answer to SPELLBOUND. I’d love to hear how this is, so let me know if you catch it! DOUBLE DARE is also still playing at the Coolidge, and it’s one fabulous documentary, so catch it while you can! EATING OUT is the latest gay/straight comedy to open at the Kendall. It could be really bad, but it could also be a lot of fun! Held over for a second week is the perplexing, but fascinating THE HOLY GIRL. And still hanging around is one of my underdogs for the year, LOOK AT ME. This one’s also playing at Hollywood Hits in Danvers, and the West Newton Cinema, and I highly recommend it.

Hal HartleyLet’s do a little advance planning for next week, because there’s a Brattle event coming up that no self-respecting Chlotrudis member will want to miss! Spend an evening with Chlotrudis Award winner Hal Hartley! Hal will be in town to promote the release of his latest film, THE GIRL FROM MONDAY, a science fiction film Hartley-style, about sex and consumerism starring the irrepressible Bill Sage. Since we’re such big fans of Hal at the Brattle, we decided to throw him a reception, and it’s to great an opportunity to pass up! Join Hal at Harvest, Friday, June 3, 5:30 – 7:00 for some delicious food and Harpoon beer, courtesy of our sponsors, Harvest Restaurant and Harpoon Brewery. Your $25.00 ticket will grant you admission to the reception for the free food and beer (along with a chance to say hello to Hal) as well as a ticket to see Hal’s new film and hear his Q&A afterwards! What more do you want? A lot of you got a chance to meet Hal when he was in town a few years ago to accept his Chlotrudis award, and it would be great if you’d stop by to say hello, and congratulate him on his Chlotrudis win. Advance tickets are on sale at the Brattle website, but don’t wait too long. We’re limiting this event to 40 people and you really want to be one of them! Help the Brattle sell this event out!

See you at the movies!

Playing this week, May 27 – June 2.

Brattle Theatre, Cambridge
Area Theatrical Premiere
Kings & Queen (Fri. – Sun.)
Asian CineVisions Film Festival
Maya (Mon.)
Arisan! (Tue.)
Long Life, Happiness and Prosperity (Wed.)
Keka (Thu.)
Joint Security Area (Thu.)

Coolidge Corner Theatre, Brookline
Ladies in Lavendar
Mad Hot Ballroom
Born into Brothels
Funny Ha Ha!
Double Dare
Midnite Madness
Buffy the Vampire Sing-Along! (Fri.)
Dirty Found
Special Screening
Anya: In and Out of Focus with director Marian Marzynski (Tue.)

FEI Theatres Capitol Theatres, Arlington
Born into Brothels
The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill

FEI Theatres Somerville Theatres, Somerville
Born into Brothels
Bombay Cinema Presents
Bunti Aur Babli

Harvard Film Archive, Cambridge
All Together Now: The Cinematerpsichorean World Of Busby Berkeley
Babes in Arms (Fri.)
Babes on Broadway (Fri.)
In Caliente (Sat.)
For Me and My Gal (Sat.)
Ziegfeld Girl (Sun.)
Girl Crazy (Sun.)
The Gang’s All Here (Mon.)
Small Town Girl (Mon.)
Million Dollar Mermaid (Tue.)
Easy to Love (Tue.)
An Evening with Neco Celik
Urban Guerillas (Wed.) Director in Person!

Hollywood Hits Theatre, Danvers
Enron: the Smartest Guys in the Room
Look at Me
Kung Fu Hustle (ineligible)

Landmark Theatres
Kendall Square, Cambridge
Eating Out
Layer Cake
The Holy Girl
The Other Side of the Street
Turtles Can Fly
Kung Fu Hustle (ineligible)
Look at Me
Enron: the Smartest Guys in the Room
Torremolinos 73

Embassy Cinema, Waltham
Mad Hot Ballroom
Ladies in Lavendar
Enron: the Smartest Guys in the Room
Layer Cake
The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill
Born into Brothels
Kung Fu Hustle (ineligible)

Loew’s Harvard Square, Cambridge
Crash (ineligible)
Mad Hot Ballroom
Ladies in Lavendar

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Cinema Tropical
Beyond the Sea (Fri. – Sun.)
Kira Muratova Retrospective
The Aethenic Syndrome (Fri.)
Brief Encounters (Sat.)
Long Farewells (Sun.)
Passions (Sun.)
Getting to Know the Big Wide World (Thu.)
Buddhist Cinema
Travelers & Magicians (Sat. & Thu.)
Art on Film
(Sun. & Tue.)
The 21st Annual Boston Gay & Lesbian Film/Video Festival
My Summer of Love (Mon.) Director and two stars present!
Birds on Film
The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill (Thu.)
Boston Jewish Film Festival: Encores and More
Le Grande R’/i> (Thu.)

The Newburyport Screening Room, Newburyport
Dust to Glory

West Newton Cinema, West Newton
Turtles Can Fly
Dear Frankie
Bride & Prejudice
Winter Solstice
Look at Me
Walk on Water
The Chorus
Paper Clips
Melinda and Melinda


An Evening with Hal Hartley
Filmmaker Hal Hartley will be appearing at the Brattle Theatre in Harvard Square for the area premier of his latest film: THE GIRL FROM MONDAY.

The Brattle Film Foundation will host an opening night reception in honor of Mr. Hartley on Friday June 3rd from 5:30’7:00PM at Harvest Restaurant around the corner from the Theatre. Tickets to the reception are $25.00 and include admission to the 7:15 screening followed by a Q&A session.

Advance tickets available on the Brattle website (www.brattlefilm.org) or after 5:30PM on the day of the event at the Harvest Restaurant. It is recommended to purchase advance tickets because space is limited for the reception.

The Girl From Monday will screen at the Brattle Theatre, June 3 through the 5th as the kick-off for a week-long restrospective of Mr. Hartley’s films. In addition to the premiere, the series will include such favorites as THE UNBELIEVABLE TRUTH, AMATEUR, BOOK OF LIFE and HENRY FOOL. The retrospective will run from June 6th through June 9th.

If you would like to purchase tickets just for the screening with Mr. Hartley present or other individual screenings in the retrospective, you can do so online at www.brattlefilm.org ‘ tickets for the screening with Mr. Hartley present are $10, all other shows in the series are the normal Brattle Theatre ticket prices.

May Events from The Boston Jewish Film Festival

The Boston Jewish Film Festival Encore and More! at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, June 2 ‘ July 7. See www.bjff.org/events for details

Michael R. Colford
Chlotrudis Society for Independent Film, President

Chlotrudis Monday Night at the Movies & Indie Film Round-Up, May 27 – June 2
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