Many Chlotrudis members remember A.J. Schnack and Shirley Moyers fondly. The director and producer of the 2003 Chlotrudis Best Documentary Award-winning GIGANTIC: A TALE OF TWO JOHNS met several Chlotrudis-folks at various film festivals while on the road with his debut film. When it went on to win Best Documentary, he couldn’t be at the ceremony, but delightedly sent a videotaped acceptance speech that he pulled together with only 24 hours notice. A.J. and Shirley are two of the nicest filmmakers to hang with at a festival. It’s a pleasure to keep tabs on their career.
It’s been a couple of years since GIGANTIC wrapped, and Chlotrudis members were curious as to what the young director and his producer/wife Shilrey Moyers might be up to. Chlotrudis recently heard from Schnack, who brought us up to speed on their activities. “We are hoping to start a new feature project by the end of the year – and [I] am about to start editing a movie I shot this past year about the Radical Teen Cheerleaders, local high school students who do cheer routines at progressive cause rallies.” Sounds pretty groovy to me! We can’t wait to see what this dynamic duo comes up with next.
Best of luck to you both, A.J. & Shirley! We’ll be watching for your upcoming projects!